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Our next meeting is on February 1st, 2025.
More activities posted on our calendar!
Celebrating hostas since 1982!
June 4, 2022 from 1:00 to 3:30
Spring garden tour and auction
Rebecca and Dan Boylan invite us to their slice of paradise. Rebecca loves her shade plants: not only hostas but all manner of woodland treasures. Dan loves being retired and helping Rebecca. And beekeeping! Cairnsgrove honey will be for sale.
Garden Tour & Auction
The meeting begins at 1:00. You may bring your lunch if you wish. We will provide beverages. We'll get back to full potluck feeding some day. You can certainly bring some treats to share.
Come at 12:30 only if you will help set up.
1:00 Garden walk and hostatality
2:30 General meeting and auction
3:30 Clean-up
3:45 Board meeting
DO bring plants for the auction! Remember that we have a mix of members, who might need more common hostas and/or special stock. Non-hosta companion plants (for hosta-friendly gardens) are welcome, but be prepared to talk about them! We will also have some of the plants left over from our spring sale.
DO bring a chair to sit on, and maybe something to help you tote things to and from.
DO bring a checkbook or cash to pay for your purchases (and your dues, if due).
DO bring a desire to have FUN!
Use Google Maps or your favorite GPS navigator to get directions.
There are a few parking places right at the house for members with mobility difficulties. All others are asked to park as directed. You should be able to drop things in the driveway and then exit to parking.