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Our next meeting is on February 1st, 2025.
More activities posted on our calendar!
Celebrating hostas since 1982!
DVHS meets at least four times a year to enable our members to share their experiences with growing hostas. A mid-winter meeting sets the stage for the coming season. The agenda for our spring meeting, typically held in March or April, features a speaker on hostas (or woodland companions) and a plant sale of some of the latest and best hostas being introduced to the marketplace. Our two summer meetings each include a tour of an outstanding hosta garden in our area and an auction of hostas from our members’ gardens. This is an excellent opportunity to see how others use hostas in their own yards and to observe mature specimens of different varieties of hosta you might not have encountered elsewhere. The lively and educational auctions also offer you an exciting opportunity to acquire hostas — at reasonable prices — that you might never see at your local nursery, as well as the opportunity to buy hostas that are no longer readily available through mail order sources. The fall meeting centers on a visual presentation by a renowned hosta grower and allows us to conduct any Society business that needs attention. Of course, each of these meetings also provides you with a venue for meeting like-minded hosta enthusiasts and sharing garden experiences.
If our local activities leave you desiring more, the American Hosta Society holds a convention each year during the peak hosta season in June which lasts for three or more days and includes the world's foremost authorities on this genus as speakers, as well as bus tours of numerous private and public hosta gardens near each conference site. These conferences are sponsored by a different local chapter of the Society each year, providing you with the opportunity to see the best Hosta gardens in the US. In the last 30 years, three of these conferences were sponsored by our chapter, and we proudly believe that some of the very best hosta gardens anywhere belong to members of our very own chapter. Our most recent effort in 2018 celebrated the American Hosta Society's 50th anniversary. Our guests were treated to the best of Philly hospitality and gardens, and the convention was a smashing success.
Welcome to our corner of the world of hostas. We hope to see you at our next meeting. Visitors are always welcome. If you are not a member, but would like to join, membership is currently only $10 annually, a real bargain.
Wayne Guymon
Past President,
Delaware Valley Hosta Society
Welcome to the Delaware Valley Hosta Society (DVHS) web site. If this is your first visit to our site, we hope that it will encourage you to join with us in exploring the world of Hostas. If you are already a member of DVHS, then hopefully this will serve as a valuable reference point on our activities throughout the year.
As you might surmise from our Liberty Bell logo, the Delaware Valley Hosta Society encompasses members from the mid-Atlantic region, centered around Philadelphia. In addition to being the birthplace of freedom (think 1776), Philadephia was also the birthplace of the American Hosta Society in 1968. The AHS is the very first group dedicated solely to the genus Hosta in the United States; our local chapter was founded once the national society grew. Our mission is to promote the cultivation and understanding of this incredible plant.

DVHS Officers
President: Marilyn Romenesko
Vice President, Programs: Ed MacFarland, Irene Cassidy
Vice President, Membership: Debby Bryan-Purbrick
Treasurer: Stephen Fugate
Secretary: Missy Kashey
Committee Chairs
Display Gardens:Marilyn Romenesko, Debby Bryan-Purbrick, Conny Parsons
Hostatality: Irene Cassidy
Plant Sales & Auctions: Ed MacFarland
Publications: Kathy Miller
Raffles: Rebecca Boylan
Website: Kim Kelter Neu
Advisory Board
David Teager
Warren Pollock
Barbara Tiffany
Christel Badey
Rebecca Boylan